You may find it useful at times to share the documents you’ve uploaded.  Carriers can use this functionality to easily send their electronically uploaded certificates and other supporting documents to brokers that don’t currently use DAT OnBoard.  

When choosing this feature, the broker will be sent a link to access your documents.  The link will be valid for 72 hours after the request was made.

  1. From the Documents section, select the documents you want to share by clicking the box in front of them and then clicking Share Selected Documents.
    Note:  If no documents are selected, you can choose the Share All Documents button to share all of them at once.
  2. From the next screen, copy the url provided by clicking the Copy Text button.  You can now paste that text into an email and send it to anyone you choose.
  3. Once the recipient clicks on the link you sent them, they will have the option to download a copy of the documents you shared.

The link will remain active for 72 hours.  If the broker does not access your documents in that time frame, you may choose to send them a new link.