Once you have access the website and provided the DOT or DAT ID number, it’s time to complete the registration process. We will start by gathering some basic information about your company.
Note: Unless specified as “optional”, all fields are required. The email you enter here will be used as your username when signing back into the DAT OnBoard™website.
Before clicking the Agree & Register button, write down your username (email address) and the password you selected here. If you revisit the site at any point to sign new contracts or update company information, you will use this information to sign back in.
Once you are done entering the information, select the Agree & Register button and your account creation will be confirmed and you can then complete your profile by selecting Start Profile button. Then login with the email and password you just created.
Note: You can leave the registration process at any point and the system will remember the last time you selected Save so that you can resume completing your profile the next time you sign in.